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Maribeth had barely pulled the sheets over her naked body when a shadowy figure emerged. Her heart pounded violently against her youthful chest as she awoke from her slumber. Her breath hitched when her blue eyes fell upon the figure, but to her relief, it was Justin, standing there with a bowl of fried rice and eggs. He'd warmed up some leftovers from the delicious takeout dinner they'd had the previous night.

"Good morning," he murmured with a soft smile, his dark eyes twinkling before kissing her lips. He handed her the bowl and she gladly accepted, the warm aroma of the rice mingling with the cool morning air. Memories of the previous night flooded her mind, and she found herself getting turned on. She would’ve pulled him back into bed to fuck her if her stomach didn’t yearn for sustenance. “Nope, stay right there. This entire weekend’s about you.”

“Thanks, dear,” she said with a yawn. “I thought I heard your phone vibrating last night. That wasn’t work related, was it?” As Maribeth ate, she watched Justin shake his head. It was apparently his friend inviting him for a hiking trip, but he promised that his entire weekend was going to be spent with her. She stared as he moved to the window, his silhouette framed against the early morning light. He was a marvel to behold, young and strong, his lean muscles evident even beneath his casual shirt. Her gaze traced his form, from his tousled dark hair down to his chiseled jaw and his broad shoulders, where she vividly remembered resting her ankles. She’d never been fucked the way he fucked her, and she loved him for it.

Even in her youth, she couldn’t have imagined having a body like this. The sensations were so much better. She was an elderly woman whose body had withered with age, whose joints had started to protest even the simplest movements. She should have been living the twilight of her life in a nursing home, not in a spacious loft overlooking the city, sharing meals with a man like Justin.

Yet here she was, young and vibrant once more after giving her entire pension away. Her old age had given way to a youthful glow, her frailty replaced with vigor. And it was all thanks to the Body Transfer Program, a groundbreaking program that gave individuals a chance to leave their failing bodies behind. In Maribeth's case, she had opted for the body of a stunning 20-year-old blonde. She never asked where the body came from, but it wasn’t like she was going to risk losing a chance to be young again. It was a chance to relive her life, to experience the world through younger eyes.

As Maribeth watched Justin, her heart swelled with gratitude. He had been with her through the entire process, a steadfast companion who helped her introduce her to their surroundings. From her decision to go through with the transfer to the painful weeks of recovery, he was always there, a comforting presence. She turned her gaze to the bowl of fried rice and eggs, her once arthritis-ridden fingers now deftly wielding the spoon. The taste of the food, the sensation of being able to eat without discomfort—it was overwhelming. It was an everyday task, yet it felt miraculous.

Looking at Justin's handsome smile, a sense of gratefulness washed over Maribeth. Yes, she was excited about her new youthful body, about the endless opportunities that awaited her. But more than that, she was thrilled about spending the rest of her life with Justin, a man whose kindness and love transcended physical forms. He knew who she was before getting this hot body. His acceptance of her was a testament to their connection, and she was eager to enjoy it with him. She was no longer an elderly woman on the brink of life; she was young, in love, and ready for whatever came next.



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