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The black bra and panties sat in the elegantly packed box on Drew's bed, radiating a powerful yet intimidating allure. Drew gazed at the transformation set he had acquired after parting with a significant chunk of his savings, feeling an unfamiliar mixture of anticipation and trepidation. This was everything he wanted, yet he was still so timid about trying it out. The reviews were authentic and he knew it was safe. It was just the thought of actually becoming a real woman that made him extremely nervous.

The bra, with its delicate lace patterns and smooth fabric, was said to be embedded with a potent enchantment. He bought it from a magic store, and it was apparently infused with additional good luck too. His palms were sweaty as he gingerly picked it up and slid his arms through the straps, pulling it snugly against his chest. As the fabric touched his skin, a gentle tingling sensation began to spread across his torso.

Drew gasped as his skin began to tighten and shift. His chest swelled, pushing against the fabric of the bra. He watched in stunned silence as, slowly but surely, two full, shapely breasts formed where there were none. His skin softened, taking on a smoother and silkier texture. His heart pounded in his chest. The bra had worked.

Next, he reached for the pair of panties. The very moment they slid into place, a warm glow radiated from his body. The glow intensified, enveloping his body, hiding him from view. Drew held his breath, his mind reeling from the sudden onslaught of sensation. His broad shoulders began to shrink, growing more slender and delicate. His muscular arms and legs slimmed down, the hard lines replaced by gentle curves. His body hair retreated, leaving his skin smooth and hairless while the hair along his scalp grew into blonde waves.

Finally, the glow began to fade. Drew stood still for a moment, the enormity of the transformation washing over him. He walked over to the full-length mirror in his room, staring at the unfamiliar woman reflected back at him. His heart pounded in his chest as he traced the feminine features of his face - the fuller lips, the softer jawline, the long, thick lashes framing his eyes.

The fear that had gripped him at first began to give way to awe and a certain strange elation. The woman in the mirror was beautiful, feminine, and she was him. His body may have changed, but Drew was still Drew. He found himself smiling at the reflection, a sudden rush of exhilaration coursing through him. He walked to his sister's room, his new body moving with an unfamiliar, graceful sway. Drew opened her wardrobe and hesitantly pulled out a floral sundress. He slipped it on, the fabric falling over his new curves with an ease he had never experienced before.

He returned to his mirror, staring at the woman dressed in the bright, colorful dress. His heart pounded in his chest, not out of fear, but out of excitement. Drew had undergone a profound transformation, and the hot throbbing between his legs made him wonder if he could actually have sex with his new body. Unfortunately, when he pushed the fabric to the side, he felt his body starting to shift back to his male form. He stopped moving the fabric and felt it snap back in place. The sudden movement made him let out a surprised moan as the slight pain fluttered through him. His heart began to race as he placed his palm over the front of his crotch, and when he began to circle the spot, he felt his eyes rolling to the back of his head. He might not be able to have a cock inside of him, but he could definitely feel his dainty clit urging him to play with his transformed body.



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