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The previous night was a wonderful blur, and the achiness between Jordy’s legs made her desperate for more. She couldn’t believe how horny she was in her new body. Her feminine sensations fluttered through her while she moved her slender legs, and when she looked down at all the tied-up condoms along the floor, she couldn’t help but giggle. Her new boyfriend had been restless and unbelievably full of energy. Jordy couldn’t believe how much he could cum, and she couldn’t believe how hard he still was after ejaculating nearly ten times that night.

She couldn’t have imagined feeling the way she did. Orgasm after orgasm had left her twitching, and she was sure that her neighbors could hear her delightful moans. The sheets still felt a little damp while she repositioned herself over the edge of the bed to stretch her naked back. She let out a satisfying sigh and scratched her shapely breasts. It was the weekend, and she was definitely looking forward to more.

Jordy cast a look over her shoulder, a proud smile playing at her lips as she watched Craig stir restlessly in his sleep. “So tired,” she whispered. The handsome man, his dark curls spilling onto the white pillow, was still too ensnared by the cobwebs of sleep to rouse himself fully. He was oblivious to Jordy's quiet laughter as she slid her small feet into her soft slippers and padded into the kitchen.

Her heart filled with warmth and excitement as she reached for a frying pan and cracked a couple of eggs into it. Her nimble fingers worked quickly, preparing toast to accompany the breakfast. The enticing aroma of cooking food permeated the air, a new day's promise filling the apartment. It was a normal morning routine, yet Jordy found exquisite joy in its simplicity.

After all, she had long harbored a crush on Craig. From their first meeting on the bustling college campus, his carefree laughter and kind eyes had ensnared her heart. But she had been an average transgender girl then, struggling with her identity in a world not quite ready to understand her.

Then came the transformation device, a revolutionary, experimental helmet that promised to physically match her body with her identity. Taking the leap of faith, Jordy had donned the helmet, not knowing what to expect. The helmet began to stretch over her body, and her entire body became encased with a silver liquid that hardened. She let out a moan, and she remembered feeling so afraid when everything became hot. But when her body cooled down, she found herself looking down at a body that had completely transformed. She could still feel a bump at the side of her neck where the helmet’s original off button was. 

Aside from the bump, every inch of her felt real and organic, matching the woman she had always known herself to be. Her breasts were larger, and her cock was gone. In its place was a set of inner folds that pulsated with desire. She could reverse her transformed body upon pressing the button, but she kept the helmet on her head on most days.

But of course, the most profound change wasn't in her physical appearance. It was the radiant confidence that lit her eyes, the certainty that she had finally found herself. The telling of her truth to Craig had been a rollercoaster of fear and anticipation. She wasn't sure how he would react to her revelation. But as she stood at the stove, flipping the eggs, a pair of strong arms encircled her waist. A gentle kiss was planted on her cheek, stirring butterflies in her stomach as she realized that the old her didn’t matter. Craig knew who she was before, and that didn’t push him away. It only brought him closer to her as their relationship inevitably blossomed.



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