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In the dead of night, as moonlight filtered through the curtains, Kristine stirred from her slumber. Her dreams had been filled with images of youth and beauty, the vivid scenes tempting her to indulge in a forbidden secret. As she lay there, she felt the weight of another man’s hand resting gently on her firm breasts. With a delicate touch, she eased his hand away, careful not to disturb his peaceful sleep while the hormones of her new body threatened to overwhelm her with lust.

Kristine slowly and silently slid out of the warm bed, her heart pounding with anticipation. Her bare feet padded softly on the cool wooden floor as she tiptoed through the darkened house looking for the bathroom.

Upon finding the door, Kristine's hand trembled as she turned the knob, the soft click echoing through the silent room. She hesitated for a moment before flicking on the light, bathing the small space in a warm, inviting glow. A feeling of relief washed over her, and she couldn't help but smile gleefully at her success.

Her eyes were immediately drawn to the mirror, and she gazed at the reflection before her with wonder. Where once stood an elderly woman with lines etched across her face and a hunched posture, now stood a breathtakingly beautiful young woman with smooth, flawless skin and a body that defied the passage of time. Her pale skin seemed to glow, and Kristine felt her heart swell with pride as she admired her newfound youth. This was her first Caucasian body – she had only taken Filipino bodies for the past two hundred years.

It didn’t help that most white girls who came to her country often had sex at some point in their lives. Thankfully, Lindsay had been a virgin before being gifted the necklace. Virginity was a sacred requirement for stealing bodies. Sure, the magical necklace could provide confidence and alter a person’s physical body, but a full bodily possession wasn’t possible unless the body of a virgin was taken over. One couldn’t perform a possession until the sacred purity of virginity was taken away. “And now it’s mine,” Kristine whispered in perfectly fluent Tagalog. It seemed weird coming out of a white girl’s mouth, but she could most definitely get used to this. It also helped that she knew that Lindsay came from a rich family, especially after she had a chance to accidentally see Lindsay pull out her online bank records on her phone back in the Philippines.

As she continued to admire her reflection, Kristine couldn't help but turn to the side, examining her profile and the graceful curve of her body. She couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that she had been granted a second chance at youth – an opportunity that few were ever given. Every girl in her village fit her requirements for a new body, but Lindsay had youth, beauty, and wealth that the older woman never had. 

With a satisfied sigh, Kristine reached up and carefully removed the magical necklace from around her neck, the delicate chain slipping through her fingers. She whispered a prayer and made the possession permanent before she placed it gently on the bathroom counter. She leaned forward, her eyes scanning her reflection from head to toe, taking in every detail of her new appearance. With time, Lindsay’s memories would become her own, and the Filipina would be able to seamlessly take over her lifestyle.

Finally, Kristine stepped away from the mirror, her heart filled with gratitude for the gift that she had been given. She knew that this newfound youth was fleeting, and that she would eventually have to return to her true form. But for now, she was determined to savor every moment while she left the bathroom. There was a man in the other room, and she was itching for some fun.



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