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Ariel was furious. Seething with rage, she looked down at her phone and scrolled through the seemingly endless stream of photos and videos. Her ex-boyfriend, Craig, had been transformed into a stunning, beautiful woman. The transformation was no accident - it was Ariel's doing. She discovered that Craig had cheated on her, and in her hurt and fury, she had given him a permanent dose of gender-swapping medication. It was her own twisted idea of revenge.

Yet, as she continued to stare at the glowing screen, the anger within her only grew. It was not supposed to be like this. Craig was meant to be humiliated, to suffer. Instead, he seemed to be thriving in his new life, embracing his feminine identity with open arms. Ariel clenched her fists as she saw videos of him painting his nails, laughing with friends, and getting expensive pedicures.

Ariel's jealousy knew no bounds. 

Not only had Craig adjusted to his new life, but he had also found a hot new boyfriend, Miller. The couple seemed to be inseparable, their smiles shining brightly in every photo they took together. Ariel could feel her heart clenching with each swipe, the bitterness festering within her. It was as if Craig was mocking her, showing her how much happier he was without her.

The days turned into weeks, and Ariel found herself constantly checking Craig's social media profiles. Her friends had tried to get her to move on, to forget about him, but she couldn't. She was consumed by the need to know what Craig was doing, to see if his happiness was just a façade. But no matter how hard she looked, she couldn't find any cracks in the perfect image Craig presented to the world.

In her darkest moments, Ariel would imagine the most terrible things happening to Craig. She wished for him to lose his job, for Miller to break up with him, for everything he held dear to be taken away from him. But no matter how much she wished for Craig's downfall, the universe seemed determined to prove her wrong. Craig's life seemed to go from strength to strength, and Ariel could do nothing but watch helplessly from the sidelines. 

Ariel's jealousy slowly began to consume her. It tainted every aspect of her life, filling her thoughts and poisoning her relationships with others. Her friends began to grow distant, unable to understand why Ariel couldn't let go of her anger and move on. Even her family started to worry about her, their concerned glances and gentle words only serving to fuel Ariel's resentment.

One evening, as Ariel was once again scrolling through Craig's social media feed, she came across a video that made her blood boil. It showed Craig and Miller at a beautiful beach, their laughter ringing out as they danced in the surf. She slammed her phone down onto the table, the anger radiating from her in waves. She could no longer bear to look at the evidence of Craig's happiness, knowing that she had inadvertently brought it about. Her attempts at revenge had backfired spectacularly, and now she was left with nothing but the bitter taste of her own jealousy.



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