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Lying in bed, my body still tingling from the events of the weekend, I couldn't believe the amount of fun I'd had. It all began when Emi and I decided to switch bodies at the body swap clinic. I had always been curious about what it was like to be a girl, and Emi wanted to experience life as a guy. We agreed that we could do whatever we wanted to do, and with that newfound freedom, I made a bold decision.

I decided to spend every waking moment on a romantic getaway with my best friend, Edmund. He had always been shy around girls, and I knew he had never experienced the thrill of a first kiss. As we embarked on our adventure, I quickly discovered that being a girl was both exciting and confusing. My newfound femininity opened up a world of possibilities I had never before considered.

During the weekend, we strolled through picturesque gardens, visited art galleries, and shared intimate dinners by candlelight. We laughed, we talked, and we grew closer than ever before. And then, the moment I had secretly been looking forward to finally arrived: our first kiss.

I remember it like it was yesterday. We were standing on a moonlit bridge, the water gently lapping below us, and the stars twinkling above. Edmund looked deep into my eyes, and I could see the nervousness mixed with anticipation on his face. He leaned in slowly, and as our lips touched, my heart raced, my stomach filled with butterflies, and my knees went weak. My large breasts pushed into him, and the world froze around me.

Just thinking about it made my cheeks redden, and I smiled to myself, recalling the tender warmth of our embrace. I remembered how hard he was and how eager he was to please me. But I didn’t want to go all the way – the fear of getting knocked up by accident made me keep my legs closed. “I wanted him so badly,” I purred. As I stretched along the bed with my fingers between my legs, I realized that I was getting horny just thinking about the kiss. I felt so wet, and when my fingers slipped inside, I let out a moan so loud that I could barely hear my phone buzzing. 

I circled my dainty clit and tried to ignore the buzzing sound, but when I saw that it was a text message from Emi, I realized that I had to answer whatever text message she was sending me. We had agreed to switch back soon, and I knew I couldn't prolong the inevitable. A wave of sadness washed over me as I realized that my time as a girl was drawing to a close. I would miss the freedom, the experiences, and the connection I had shared with Edmund. But I also knew that the memories we'd created would be something I'd carry with me for the rest of my life. But when I saw what the text message actually was, an excited smile stretched over my lips.

Emi wanted to keep things the way they were, and she was asking me for her blessing. With her hot body and the endless fun I could have, I decided to throw away my masculinity. I wasn’t about to give up my femininity, and it looked like Edmund was going to finally get a chance to lose his virginity…



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