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Mary looked at her brother with a mixture of awe and disbelief. Two days had passed since his incredible transformation at the augmentation clinic, and now she found herself face to face with her beautiful “sister.” Ben had come to Mary for help, knowing that she was an expert in all things feminine. It had taken some convincing, but Mary eventually agreed to assist Ben in his mission to test the faithfulness of her own boyfriend, Tom.

As they sat together in her brightly lit bedroom, Mary took a brush and began to gently untangle the long, silky strands of Ben's hair. Ben sighed with pleasure at the soothing sensation, closing his eyes and allowing himself to fully embrace the experience. Mary couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and wonder at her brother's courage and commitment to testing Tom’s fidelity. “He’ll be at the bar downtown with his friends,” Mary whispered softly. “Are you really sure you want to go all the way with this?”

He nodded. “I’m not letting some dickhead date you. She knew that this was no small feat for him, and she was determined to support him in any way she could.

As Mary continued to brush Ben's hair, she offered him advice on everything from clothing and accessories to makeup and skincare. Ben listened attentively, grateful for his sister's guidance and support. He had never imagined that the world of femininity could be so complex and nuanced, and he found himself fascinated by the intricate rituals and routines that Mary described.

Once Ben's hair was perfectly smooth and tangle-free, Mary began to instruct him on the art of makeup application. She showed him how to apply foundation, blush, and eyeshadow with a delicate hand, as well as how to accentuate his features with mascara and lipstick. Ben marveled at the transformative power of makeup, watching in awe as his sister turned his already beautiful face into a work of art.

Next, Mary helped Ben select the perfect outfit for his upcoming encounter with Tom. They browsed through her extensive wardrobe, searching for the right combination of style and allure. Finally, they settled on a stunning knee-length dress in a soft, pastel hue. The dress hugged Ben's feminine curves in all the right places, creating an irresistible silhouette.

Ben stepped into the dress with a sense of giddy anticipation, feeling the soft fabric glide over his smooth skin. As Mary zipped him up, he couldn't help but twirl around, admiring the way the dress flowed and swirled around him. The sight of his sister's approving smile only added to his delight.

To complete the look, Mary handed Ben a pair of high heels that matched the dress perfectly. Ben hesitated for a moment, acutely aware of his inexperience with such footwear. But Mary's encouraging smile and gentle guidance were all the motivation he needed. With her help, he slipped his feet into the shoes and took a few tentative steps across the room. It took some practice, but soon Ben was able to walk with a semblance of grace and confidence. He couldn't believe how tall and elegant the heels made him feel, and he couldn't help but admire the way they accentuated his long, shapely legs. 

“Try not to have too much fun,” Mary teased as she watched him leave. “Call me if anything happens…”



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