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Rebekah stood at the door of a decrepit house, its exterior aged and worn. She could hear the faint bubbling of liquids and the flicker of candlelight coming from within. She knew this was the place where Old Valerie operated her potion brewing service. 

The door creaked open, and Rebekah descended the stairs into the dimly lit basement. Jars lined the walls, filled with oddities and ingredients only a witch would recognize. A pungent aroma filled the air, a combination of earthy and sickly sweet. Valerie stood over a boiling cauldron, her wrinkled hands stirring the mixture inside.

Rebekah approached the witch hesitantly, clutching a few strands of hair she'd collected from her coworker, Tanya. She couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt as she explained her predicament. Her husband, Ethan, had the biggest crush on Tanya, and Rebekah's heart ached at the thought. She wanted to surprise him, to give him something he desired, even if it was just for one night. Old Valerie listened with a knowing smile, then began crafting a potion tailored to Rebekah's request.

The potion was a deep, shimmery purple that seemed to capture the light as it swirled in the small glass vial. Rebekah handed over the strands of hair, and the witch assured her that the transformation would be temporary. With the potion in hand, Rebekah rushed home to surprise her husband. Ethan sat on the bed, puzzled but intrigued by the mischievous look in Rebekah's eyes. She held the vial up to the light, watching the liquid dance within it. With a deep breath, she swallowed the potion, and immediately felt the change begin.

A tingling sensation coursed through her entire body. The bones in her legs elongated, making her taller, more like Tanya's height. Rebekah's feet grew larger, the arch in her foot becoming more pronounced. Her hips widened, redistributing her weight and changing her center of gravity. 

Goosebumps erupted on her skin as her waist narrowed, her ribcage compressing slightly to accommodate the transformation. Her shoulders shifted, her collarbones becoming more prominent, and her arms lengthened to match her new proportions.

Rebekah's fingers changed, becoming more slender and elegant. Her nails grew, taking on the same shape and color as Tanya's manicured nails. Even her skin changed, its tone becoming a shade darker, smooth and soft to the touch. 

Her face morphed, cheekbones becoming more defined, her nose reshaping to resemble Tanya's. Rebekah's lips grew fuller, a perfect imitation of the woman her husband admired. Her eyes shifted color and shape, and her hair transformed, taking on the same rich blonde and silky texture as Tanya's.

The metamorphosis complete, Rebekah glanced into the mirror. It was uncanny – she was Tanya's spitting image. A smile crept onto her lips, a mixture of excitement and satisfaction. She turned to face her husband, who stared in awe at the woman before him. She had a funny feeling that this was going to be a regular occurrence.



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