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Andy had always loved Halloween, and he eagerly anticipated the annual costume party that he and his friends attended. This year, however, the party was destined to be a night he would never forget.

As he walked into the crowded room, Andy scanned the vibrant scene, taking in the variety of costumes on display. His friends had outdone themselves, with outfits ranging from the fantastical to the terrifying. But one particular person in their friend corner caught his eye, and he was surprised to learn that it was his buddy Jorge. “Jesus, you decided to be a girl?”

Jorge smiled innocently. “Do you like it?”

“I guess,” he said weakly. He didn’t know it yet, but he could feel his cheeks heating up.

When Jorge spun around with a giggle, Andy and their friends looked at him with wide eyes. They were stunned by the transformation Jorge had undergone. They gently pinched his skin and realized that his body actually felt like a chick’s body. He looked exactly like an Asian woman, and the sexiness of his figure was astonishing. Jorge was unbelievably beautiful, every inch of his body appearing authentic and real. Jorge was wearing a black maid outfit that fit him perfectly.

Their friends, still reeling from the shock of Jorge's transformation, decided to shake off their surprise by heading to the bar to get drunk. Andy, however, couldn't take his eyes off Jorge. He was captivated by the grace and elegance that seemed to emanate from his friend, and he found himself drawn to Jorge like a moth to a flame.

As the music picked up, Andy and Jorge began to dance, their laughter and raucous energy filling the room. Jorge, now accustomed to the stares and compliments that his costume had garnered from the other partygoers, seemed to revel in the attention. He swayed to the music, his movements fluid and hypnotic while Andy struggled not to get aroused.

Unable to resist any longer, Andy approached Jorge and asked him to dance closer together. To his delight, Jorge agreed, and the two began to glide against each other. Their bodies swayed in sync, their connection intensifying with each beat of the music. The boundaries between their friendship dissolving while they danced when Jorge gently breathed into his face throughout the song.

The night wore on, and the party grew louder and more chaotic. Andy found himself craving a more intimate setting, a place where he and Jorge could continue their conversation without the chaos of the party. He leaned in, his breath warm on Jorge's ear, and invited him to a quieter location.

Jorge smiled, his eyes meeting Andy's while he nodded in agreement. Together, they slipped away from the party, leaving behind the cacophony of laughter and music as they ventured into the night. 



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