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Arthur had been waiting for this day for what seemed like an eternity. The Swapping Center had just opened up in town, and he had been saving up for months to be able to afford it. As soon as he heard about it, he knew what he had to do. He had always felt like he was born in the wrong body. All his life, he had wanted to be a woman, to experience what it felt like to walk in a woman's shoes. And finally, his dream was about to come true.

As he walked into the Swapping Center, his heart was beating fast with anticipation. He was led into a small room and asked to sign a contract. The contract stated that he would not hold the Swapping Center liable for any injuries or damages he may suffer during the body swap. Arthur didn't hesitate for a moment. He knew what he was getting himself into, and he was willing to take the risk.

He was then introduced to the woman he would be swapping bodies with for the next 24 hours. Her name was Maria, and she had always been curious about what it felt like to be a man. They were both given a set of instructions and were told that they could do whatever they wanted with their new bodies, as long as nothing harmful happened.

Arthur couldn't wait to get started. As soon as the swap was complete, he stepped out of the Swapping Center in his new body. It was strange at first, feeling like he was in someone else's body. But as he walked around and felt his new muscles and bones, he knew that this was exactly what he had been waiting for. He made his way home, eager to try on all of his sister's clothes. He had always been fascinated by the way women dressed and had secretly tried on his mother's clothes when he was younger. Now he could finally indulge in his passion. As he tried on different outfits, he realized how much he loved being a woman. The way the clothes hugged his curves and the feel of the fabric against his skin was something he had never experienced before. He spent the entire day in his new body, admiring himself in the mirror and taking selfies.

When Anne, his sister, came home from work, she was surprised to see Arthur in his new body. She didn't know about the Swapping Center, and at first, she thought that a complete stranger had broken into her home. Arthur confessed that it was really him, and he saw the rage in her eyes. But when she noticed that he had been using her makeup, she calmed down. “You’re not applying that right,” she laughed. “You look so fucking ridiculous.”

He felt his cheeks reddening. She tore the lipstick from his hand and helped him remove his makeup. He thought she was going to kick him out until she forced him to sit down to redo his makeup. “That’s so much better. You look great!”

Arthur shyly smiled and thanked his sister for her help. “This is actually a lot better than what I had in mind.”

“Takes a bit of practice,” she admitted. “But it’s not impossible once you get the hang of it. You can get away with a lot less with this body, though. She’s reall- you’re really pretty. And at least you have a good taste in outfits - this one actually matches your figure. How long’s the swap?”

“Twenty four hours,” he said. “Well … fifteen. I’m going to go out clubbing.” When she asked him who he was going with, he shook his head. “I’m not going with anybody.”

Anne smiled and took his hand. “Alright, well, I’m still in my work clothes. But I’m coming with you. You won’t know all the warning signs, and I’m not about to let you mess up on your first night as a girl...” Arthur didn’t know it yet, but his sister was about to show him the ropes.



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