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Imran woke up feeling strange, as if his body had changed overnight. He was a professional athlete who was training for a bodybuilding competition. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw that his hair had grown longer, his body was becoming more petite, and he had lost weight everywhere. He was shocked to see that his chest was beginning to protrude, and his voice sounded more feminine than before. Imran was terrified and confused; he had no idea what was happening to him.

He immediately called his doctor, but they could not see him for another few days. As the hours passed, his body continued to change at an alarming rate, and Imran knew he couldn't wait for his doctor's appointment. He decided to go to the emergency room.

As he was about to leave, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror again. This time, he saw the beauty in the changes that had taken place. He couldn't believe how stunning he looked with his new features, his long hair, and his petite body. He wondered if he had unknowingly taken the wrong medication that caused his transformation. He had been prescribed a fat loss medication that could make him look leaner, but clearly something had gone wrong.

When he arrived at the ER, the doctors were shocked to see his rapid transformation. They ran a series of tests and confirmed that he had experienced a hormone imbalance that caused his body to transform so quickly. The pharmacist had mistakenly given him a higher dosage of a completely different medication for fat loss, which led to his body's drastic changes.

“You should be able to speak with the pharmacist owner directly,” the doctor droned. “That shouldn’t have happened. Pharmacies don’t normally have experimental pills lying around. There was definitely some negligence here.”

Imran listened to the doctor's advice on how to return to his former self. He was prescribed a special patch to help increase his testosterone. However, he couldn't bring himself to do it when his cock vanished. In its place was a vagina, and when he prodded it curiously and felt the pleasure that came with it, he decided that he was going to stay this way. Imran left the hospital feeling relieved and excited about exploring his body at home. 

But while Imran seemingly adjusted to and accepted his new life, Richard Black could only watch with rage. He had hired one of the pharmacists to drug Imran with a gender swapping concoction. Richard was a competitive rival who was willing to do anything to win. He hated Imran, yet the transformed man wasn’t even mad about being unable to participate in the bodybuilding competition. Imran remained happier than Richard, and the petty rival still ended up losing the competition.



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