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Patricia had always been fascinated by magic, and she spent hours poring over ancient spell books, trying to unlock the secrets of the arcane. Her most recent purchases of spell books were scattered across her desk. She had always been careful, never wanting to risk anything too dangerous, but tonight she decided to take a chance. “I’ve basically mastered everything in the past two weeks. I should be ready for this one.”

She had found an old incantation that promised to give her the power to see beyond the veil of reality, to glimpse the hidden workings of the universe. It was a time altering spell that could help her look into the past. She had gathered her supplies, lit her candles, and began to recite the words of the spell. As she spoke, she felt a surge of power flowing through her veins. She closed her eyes and concentrated, focusing all of her energy. 

Suddenly, she heard a sharp crack, and her hand flew forward, smashing against the surface of some sort of crystal. She cried out in pain and horror, feeling a strange sensation that she couldn't quite describe. And then she was falling, falling through a tunnel of light and color, until she landed with a jolt that knocked the breath out of her.

For a moment, she lay there, dazed and confused, trying to make sense of what had just happened. And then she looked up, and saw it. She was inside one of her own necklaces, suspended in a glittering diamond that shone like the sun. She peered through the crystal surface, and saw her own body standing at the doorway of her room.

But something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong. Her body was moving, but it wasn't her. It giggled and laughed, a high-pitched and disturbing sound that sent shivers down Patricia's spine. It moved toward the mirror, gazing at itself with an expression of intense pleasure. And then it turned, and looked directly at her.

“You’re still conscious,” her body said with a surprised tone of voice. “Let me tell you - I’m so happy that somebody like you decided to use so much magic in so little time. It shows how eager you were to explore your magical abilities. Such a good girl - it’s a shame that nobody taught you how to renew your soul path energy. Using too much magic in so little time is like working out too hard - not enough rest will make you break down faster. I’m lucky that a diamond was nearby - it automatically trapped your soul for me once I used your body to quickly use some magic. Very very convenient.”

“Who are you?” Patricia asked fearfully. But the body thief kept speaking as if she couldn’t hear her. Patricia gasped in shock when the body thief closed the jewelry box encasing the necklace. 



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