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“Can you get your shit together, Annie?” One of Matthias’ teammates yelled as she jogged by. He did everything he could - even pushed himself beyond his limits. In the end, Matthias couldn't believe it. He was covered in sweat, breathing heavily, and feeling completely defeated as Annie’s teammates glared at him.He had just lost a soccer game against his girlfriend's rival, Megan, and he felt distraught. It was supposed to be an important match for his girlfriend, Annie, but instead, he ended up letting her down.

“You good, Annie?” Megan teased while she walked by.

Matthias wanted to punch her. “I’m good.”

When he saw the bitch’s eyes roll, he wanted to throw a punch. But he knew that he couldn’t make his girlfriend look even worse. He let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. Matthias and Annie had always been competitive when it came to sports, and they were both great at soccer. But when Annie mentioned being afraid of being beaten by Megan, Matthias had a crazy idea. He had heard of a clinic that could swap people's bodies, and he thought it would be the perfect solution. He could play in Annie's body and lead the team to victory. He actually had a lengthier history of competitive play, so a few days of training and his competitive mind would hopefully give Annie a competitive edge.

But as Matthias quickly discovered, playing soccer in Annie's body was much harder than he anticipated. He knew something was wrong when he was practicing, but it was worse during an actual game. He stumbled over his own feet and struggled to keep up with the other players.

As he walked off the field, feeling defeated and embarrassed, he saw Annie waiting for him. She could tell by the look on his face that he had lost the game. She walked over to him, put her arm around him, and told him that it was okay. “Hey, I’m glad it was you and not me. I had a scary feeling that you wouldn’t do well, so I didn’t watch.”

“Thanks,” he murmured weakly.

"I know it was hard for you," she said, "but I appreciate you trying to help me.” Suddenly, she nudged him with her massive fist. “Hey, why don’t I make all of this up to you? You’ve suffered enough.”

“What do you mean?” He asked miserably. But when she saw a naughty look in his old body’s eye as it looked down at his breasts, he had a funny feeling that things were going to get a bit more exciting.



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