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“Evangeline,” Angie hissed into her ear. She felt hot hands grasping her shoulders. “Wake up - wake up, Evangeline!”

“What?” She murmured. Her inner folds still throbbed with desire, but she was so sleepy that she wasn’t in the mood for more sex. But when she realized that she could actually hear Angie’s voice being spoken to her, her eyes widened with shock. She was surprised to find that they were in their own bodies again. They let out simultaneous sighs of relief and looked at each other with grateful expressions.

“I guess it was temporary,” Angie said while she wrapped an arm around Evangeline’s waist. “I didn’t even feel anything this time. No weird memories. No weird flashbacks.”

Evangeline smiled at her and kissed her forehead. “I’m just glad that it’s over. Should we bother tracking that address down?”

“I’ll fire up the computer to get the address again.” The two girls sat on the edge of the bed for a few minutes first, reflecting on the power of the spell book as they got dressed. But when Angie casted a worried glance at the spell book, she looked back at her friend ands hook her head. “You know what? Chasing after answers doesn’t seem like a good idea. What if something bad happens? We don’t know what could happen.”

Evangeline nodded. “No, I agree,” she whispered. “I’d much rather stay here for the weekend.” She ran a finger along her friend's thigh. “If you know what I mean…”

They knew that it was too dangerous to keep around and decided to lock the spell book away, making sure that nobody could access the dark magic from its pages. The experience had brought them closer, and they realized that they had feelings for one another. They exchanged a shy smile, their hearts racing with excitement.

From that day on, Evangeline and Angie started dating. They enjoyed exploring their newfound love and discovered that they had a deep connection. They laughed and talked about the crazy experience they had shared, feeling grateful that it had brought them together.

As they looked back on the whole experience, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond they had formed. Their love wasn’t a possibility until Evangeline saw how Angie felt. It was a magical experience that had taught them a lot about themselves and their connection to each other. Magic was scary, but their love soothed their trauma.



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