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“Could you please, dear?” Abigail asked Scotty softly. He nodded and grabbed his wallet. “Thank you so much.”

“Anything for you,” he said happily. As he walked towards the bar to get her a drink, Scotty couldn't help but think about how so much had changed in so little time. He began to notice that Abigail had become a better person since they started dating. She never took risks, and she was definitely taking a big one now that she was no longer working as a cashier. Not working with her sucked a lot, but it wasn’t like they’d stop talking to each other. Now, they were engaged, and they were living together nearly five months after they started dating.

Deep down, he really supported her decisions. He knew that she was capable of so much more. Now that she was attending school to try getting an administration degree, she seemed a lot more focused too. 

She actually had direction, which was completely unlike the Abigail he used to work with. She was also spending more time out in public, discovering new things and meeting new people. And he was thrilled to see her so happy and full of life.

But the biggest change of all was Abigail's newfound love for the beach. She would take Scotty with her every chance she got, and he loved being by her side as she explored the sand and the sea. They would play in the water and lay in the sun, and he could see the joy in her eyes.

And now that they were engaged, Abigail seemed even more attached to him. She was always by his side, and he could feel her love and affection in everything she did. But it wasn't just her attachment to him that had changed; she was also more confident and outgoing, no longer the shy girl he had once known.

Scotty remembered how she used to be, always hiding in the shadows, but now she was like a different person. She was bold and beautiful, and he was so proud of her. He loved watching her grow and blossom, and he was happy to be by her side every step of the way.

As he looked at her, he couldn't help but smile. He was so grateful to have her in his life, and he couldn't wait to see what the future held. And even though she had changed, he was happy to see her so full of life and love. She’d become a better version of herself after they started dating, and he wouldn’t have changed anything about her new personality.



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