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Kyra’s brother, Daryl, was dumbfounded after they started their conversation at the center of the empty food court. They were catching up on their lives, and once Kyra’s turn was over, it only made him ask more questions. “Wait, so you’re seeing someone now? That doesn’t sound like you. I thought you hated men.” 

“She’s a girl,” Kyra said reassuringly. “She’s really fun to be around. I promise I’ll introduce you one of these days.”

“Hey, that’s awesome. How’d you two meet?” Kyra immediately felt her cheeks blushing. She could barely believe how far her relationship had come. She and Ashton had been best friends for years, and they were always there for each other. So, when Ashton came to Kyra with a special request, she knew she had to help. Ashton, who was transgender, had always wondered what it would be like to feel like a woman. And so, with the help of a magical swapping stone they found in Kyra’s attic, the two friends decided to temporarily switch bodies.

Kyra was excited to help Ashton experience life as a woman. She helped him with his makeup, picked out a cute dress for him to wear, and even styled his hair. Ashton was amazed at how different everything felt, and he was touched by Kyra's willingness to help him.

For Kyra, the experience of living in Ashton's body was eye-opening. She realized how much she took for granted the ease with which she moved through the world, and she was filled with empathy for Ashton's struggles. As the days passed, Kyra and Ashton grew closer, and through the experience, they fell in love. They knew that their love was special, and that it transcended the physical boundaries of their bodies.

Eventually, the time came for them to switch back. They used the wishing stone again and returned to their own bodies. But, their love for each other remained, and they knew that nothing could ever change that. They continued to support and love each other after Ashton transitioned, as they always had, except this time they were girlfriend and girlfriend. Kyra was a little scared of what her brother would think, but when she saw the proud look in his face, she knew that he wasn’t going to judge her.



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