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Allison brushed aside her soft blonde hair and smiled at herself in the mirror hanging over her dresser. The smell of sweet roses filled the air around her as she fantasized about what she'd be doing with Brad later that night. He was her favorite client, and she wanted to give him another satisfying night. She'd chosen to wear her favorite lingerie for the client she was about to serve that night. She ran her slim fingers along her delightful curves and felt her warmth flushing through her body. When Allison first started using his transformation mask, she thought she'd won at life. The magical object could transform her body into any form she wanted. As an escort, that was a huge deal, especially when customers would pay her extra to look like their lifelong crushes. She had worn the mask so much over time that it felt natural and comfortable on her skin.

It was such a weird feeling, especially after making so much money already. She could easily be unemployed for the next ten years if she wanted to. Her student debt was completely paid off, and she had her own condo and car. Buying her mask from a run down magic shop was one of the best decisions she'd ever made. She always felt so ugly in her old body, so when the old female cashier mentioned that it could help alter her appearance, Allison decided to jump at the opportunity.

Over a hundred transformations later, she became used to the compliments men gave her. She opened up her closet door and looked down at the two-tone purple dress that was ready for her. She picked it out the night before, and after prepping her body, she felt ready to put it on. But as she picked the dress up and carried it to her nearby bed, she felt a painful throbbing sensation at the back of her head. She stumbled while the world started spinning around her. She let out a horrified scream when everything went dark, so she reached up and pulled at the sides of her jaw. She pushed the mask off her face and immediately felt a cold burst of air rushing down her body.

Her body shifted and morphed. Her blonde hair became a bright red, and her soft skin slowly emerged, with freckles running along her arms and legs. She let out a moan and felt her breasts shrinking slightly as her body stood up from the bed on its own. Her lips let out a nervous laugh as her eyes looked back at the dresser. Her body had transformed back to her normal state, but something was horribly wrong. "Wow, that took way longer than I thought it would," Allison's lips said happily.



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