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Cory had always been curious about the opposite gender. After having several encounters with other men and women, he found that he preferred his effeminate personality. He always felt like he was faking his life, and when a traveling salesman sold him a spell book, he decided to try out some of the possession spells. He wanted to see what it was like to live life as a woman. The problem was that all of the spells required consent, and none of the women in his life would've wanted to try this out.

But things changed when he met Anastasia at a bar. She was a slender brunette with a heart-shaped face and clear, perfect skin. He didn't know it at the time, but she was an experienced escort who just happened to be spending the night alone when he approached her. She was willing to try anything with him as long as she was paid by the hour. She was intrigued and thought this was going to be a roleplay thing. Now, Cory was at her hotel room with the escort's fingers circling his delicate nub. He couldn't believe how good he felt as he closed his eyes. Waves of ecstasy fluttered through his female body as he struggled to silence his moans. After paying an expensive escort to temporarily use her body, he could hear the woman enjoying herself too. "Slide a finger inside of me at the same time," Cory heard the girl say. "But curl the finger upwards. You'll love it."

He did as he was told. The girl's slim finger slid inside, and he felt his flat tummy arching upwards. He couldn't help but moan again. His head fell back on the pillow as he focused more intently on pleasuring himself. The pleasure quickly grew unbearable. He tried to hold it in, but he lost control over his vocal cords and let out a loud cry. "Oh fuck!"

"That feels wonderful, doesn't it?" Anastasia asked.

Cory was breathing heavily as he looked down at his sweating, naked body. He trembled uncontrollably as the seconds went by, and he found himself wondering how he could somehow extend the body possession. Now that he knew magic actually worked, he was excited to find out if there was a more permanent possession spell he could use to have a body like this forever. He decided that he was going to need to become more accustomed to dark magic before trying something like that out.



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