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“I love every bit of you,” Tamara whispered while she kissed the side of Kelsey’s neck. “I can’t believe how much you’ve changed already…”

“Do you really like the new me?”

Her girlfriend nodded eagerly while she hugged her from behind. When Kelsey started taking sex reassignment pills, she wasn't expecting the results this quickly. The doctor gave her a low dosage nearly a week ago, and she was already seeing the benefits so quickly. It felt like one of those moments when you've been waiting for something for years, even though it's only happened in the past few minutes.

The first thing she noticed were her breasts. They grew in faster than expected, and they had a nice curviness that complemented the hard nipples she'd always been so self conscious of. She didn't notice the shrinking of her genitals until a few days ago. Before she knew it, her cock had transformed into a dainty slit that throbbed whenever she played with it.

Her new pussy was also a lot more sensitive than before, but that didn't stop her from masturbating every chance she got. She loved feeling her clit swell as she rubbed it over her panties to get herself off. She didn't realize it until much later, but playing with her new figure accelerated the speed of her transition. Her hips gradually widened, and her skin became softer. Soon, she could feel her body changing all around her. The changes weren't dramatic at first, but they sure were noticeable.

Now, as Kelsey looked down at her hands and legs, she could feel a sense of happiness. She hadn't felt this way before her transition, but now that she looked the way she did, she found herself wishing she'd taken the experimental risk sooner. She couldn’t wait to embrace her new life, and she was happy that she had Tamara to help her along the way.



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