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“I’m Tammie,” she answered the stranger with a smile. He was a cute guy in a perfectly tailored charcoal gray suit. The shiny watch on his wrist looked expensive as she rose a brow. “I’m actually flattered that you’d risk everything just to invite me over. You’re the only guy” She could feel the man’s eyes wandering around her body, helpless and unable to hide his attraction. 

She loved how he was struggling, but so far, he was the only guy brave enough to approach her at the bar. She’d been sitting alone for nearly an hour, and she was fully focused on testing her new body. The bar was full of attractive women, yet every guy that came in was fixated on her. The attention felt great. “I have a room at the hotel down the road. I’m here for business - want to check it out?” He asked again.

She loved that persistence. “Lead the way. I’m actually getting bored here.” Tammie was never a popular girl back in high school. She was a frail and skinny brunette with overly pale skin and a face people constantly made fun of. She thought college was going to be better for her social life, but now that she was in grad school, she realized that she was an outcast. 

She felt like she’d wasted the past 24 years of her life. She was desperate for a change, and when she saw a Craigslist ad offering a body renting service, she decided to try things out. She ended up finding herself at a building that offered temporary vessels in exchange for data. The facility was a government run facility that was interested in monitoring human mental health, so she knew that it was safe.

She was nervous about the entire procedure, but after finding herself in the mind transferring pod, the process was quick and easy. She blinked a few times and found herself in a completely different body. She was dizzy at first as the doctors helped her through the room, but the more accustomed she became to her new body, the more she realized how much better she was. Her soft blonde hair curled beautifully at the tips. Her breasts were large and felt soft between her slim fingers. Her bum and waist had looked and felt so real. The staff gave her a notebook and asked her to keep track of any side effects.

But everything felt perfect. And now, after spending her fifth day adjusting to her surroundings, a guy had finally invited her back to his place. She wasn’t very experienced, but she was eager to learn a few new things about satisfying another man. She only had another two weeks in her current body, and she was going to maximize every minute of her borrowed body.



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