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“I can’t believe she did it,” Eileen gushed with glee. “It’s mine now. I’m her now…”

Kayla had everything: a beautiful body, a muscular boyfriend, and a trust fund. For nearly all her life, Eileen felt jealous of her best friend’s assets. And now, Eileen was proudly staring at herself in the mirror as she brushed her new blonde hair. It felt so much better than her old dark hair. She giggled and felt so triumphant after tricking her best friend into using a spell to turn herself into an astral ghost. Eileen bought a used spell book during summer vacation in England and was eager to try it out when Kayla accidentally found out. Eileen promised her best friend that they could use it together in a week, and after looking into the spells, Eileen realized that she could permanently possess somebody if their body was empty.

Thankfully, there was a separate spell that could do just that. Once Eileen convinced Kayla to say the magical incantation at her apartment, a bright flash of green light forced the best friend’s soul to hover aimlessly through the room. “Eileen? What’s going on?” Her faint voice whispered.

“Don’t worry about it,” she answered. “I bet things will wear off. Don’t worry - just stay calm.” In reality, she was afraid that her gaseous form could return to her body. Eileen watched in anxious silence as the gaseous soul slipped into an open window and smiled when she realized that Kayla was going to be lost without using the reverse spell that was scribbled out in the spell book. “And she’s gone.”

And once Eileen used her possession spell, she found herself in Kayla’s body. Every touch and every movement felt real. It felt like it was her own body. “It IS my own body,” she reassured herself as she looked back at her unconscious body. Compared to the old Eileen, the new Kayla looked and felt perfect. “Let’s see if there’s a spell that’ll get rid of my old body…”

Now that she had Kayla’s body, she had a feeling that her life was going to be much easier.



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