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“I still can’t believe you used to be a guy,” Luke said as he ran his fingers through Alex’s silky blonde hair. They cuddled beneath the sheets, their lips seemingly stuck together as they enjoyed themselves. Their time off felt incredible, and he was looking to explore more of his body now that he’d accepted his fate as a woman. “Are you sure about this, though? You’re just going to give up?”

“I think so,” Alex said softly. “The lab mentioned finding a way to reverse it now that they know TN-12000 can progress like this. But I don’t want to risk getting any worse.”

It felt like an eternity since his infection had progressed. After becoming exposed to a deadly nerve agent that physically transformed his body into a feminized version of himself, he struggled to come to terms with what happened. He thought he was going to die when his skin started melting away, and Luke was distraught when he realized that Alex had been the one who saved him from getting infected too. Weeks of constant tests to reverse its effects had drained Alex, but when he finally accepted that he might not have much longer to live, things began to change for him.

It was almost like his body was fighting for its survival. By the time scientists were able to stall the infection, Alex’s body had reached equilibrium. His skin was no longer melting away - his body was healing its lost skin. Eventually, he was no longer a wide, chiseled man. He was a slender blonde with curves so stunning that Luke couldn’t keep his eyes off of him. And as Luke slowly drifted off into a deep sleep, Alex could tell that this was probably one of the greatest accidents he could have gotten himself into.



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