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Arnold felt sore yet fulfilled as he hugged the sheets around his female body. He watched Rick pulling on his clothes while Arnold watched from the bed with a smile. The previous night had felt wonderful. Being a girl scared the hell out of him until he got a chance to explore himself. It didn’t take long for him to test himself out with another person. Just before he could say anything about it, a knock came from the front door of the hotel room being billed to Arnold's card. "There's a do not disturb sign on the knob," Arnold pouted. "Just ignore it. Come back to bed."


"No," Rick's deep voice coldly said. Arnold froze confusedly as he watched the seemingly changed man moving to the door. He had no idea what was wrong with him. After being cursed by his ex-girlfriend for cheating on her, he thought his life was over. The dark magic had completely altered his physical appearance. His penis and folds of muscle were gone. He shrank and became a small yet slender woman with round breasts and long blonde hair. He thought it was going to eventually reverse at first since he promised never to cheat on his girlfriend again, so he decided to have some fun in his female body. The feminine sensations and his orgasms felt incredible.


But then he started to put the pieces together. Despite his attractive appearance, Arnold had a feeling that Rick was seduced way too easily. He came on to him and wrapped the towering man around his sexy little finger. And once the front door opened, Arnold's heart dropped when he saw Jasmine's bitter smile. "So, after promising that you wouldn't cheat on me again, you decide to cheat," Jasmine laughed while she lightly kissed Rick's cheek. "You did well, babe."


"W-What?" Arnold asked confusedly.


"The spell was temporary until you broke your promise. I told you the spell would reverse ... but I guess you didn't listen to the part where I'd change my mind if you cheated." She grinned gleefully. "Oh, yeah, Rick's my boyfriend. But, unlike you, I gave him permission to cheat on me. Have fun being a slut, Arnold." She took Rick's hand and pulled him out of the hotel room.



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