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You're a man confined to a wheelchair and suffering from multiple diseases. You feel like life's betrayed you until your female best friend suggests escaping death. The company she works for is mostly used for wealthy members of society, and the bodies are either donated/refurbished, or so your female friend says. Since she knows the right people, she tells you that she can hook you up with a great deal. For a lump sum payment of nearly $50,000 (all of your savings after a lifetime of broken marriages), you get matched with a female body of your own. The downside is that you have to take up the woman's name and make adjustments that aren't too obvious. The Body Transfer Facility is a secret organization after all.

And personally, you've always been curious about being the opposite sex, and since there aren't any compatible male bodies, you decide to pay for what you can afford and get.

You're placed on a bed in a very spooky room. You learn that the transfer works by transplanting your brain into a new body. You voluntarily agree, and a group of doctors transfer your brain into a young female body whose name you're forced to take on.

After several days of rehabilitation, you're allowed to go back home on the condition that you adopt your new identity. Your best friend helps you with your makeup, clothes, and even sets up your new bank account. Since you're unable to live in your former home (which you were evicted from), your friend's more than happy to let you stay at her place.

Your job isn't necessary until you're used to your new body. Everything's starting to work out for the first time in your life, but the desire and feminine sensations start to get the best of you when you meet your new roommate, Troy. He's been living with your friend for a few weeks, so you barely know him.

You're not sure what to feel about this, but the more you fight it, the more your urges begin to get the best of you. What do you do to try keeping your mind distracted?


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