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Kyra slowly brought the magical mask to her face. Her heart raced. She knew what it would do, but the sensations always made her feel uncomfortable. It was like being trapped in someone else's skin. The mask would make her look like the most beautiful woman she could imagine, but she would feel like a fraud.

She tried to push the thoughts from her mind as she finished putting on the mask. It was for her boyfriend, after all. He deserved the best on his birthday. As soon as the mask was in place, she felt the change begin. Her body grew taller and curvier. Her skin became flawless and her hair became long and lustrous. She looked in the mirror and saw a woman she barely recognized. She was beautiful with her big breasts and seductive lips.

Kyra felt a stirring between her legs. She knew that the mask was affecting her sexually as well. She could feel her pussy getting wetter and her nipples hardening. She didn't have time to think about it though. It was time to go meet her boyfriend. She walked out of the room and felt all eyes on her. She knew that she looked stunning. Her boyfriend's jaw dropped when he saw her. “How do I look?”

“Incredible,” he whispered. She seductively moved closer to him and playfully danced for him before she treated him to a night he'd never forget.



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