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“What’s going on with me?” Yvonne asked herself. After her uncle’s funeral, weird things began happening to Yvonne. She repeatedly blacked out and found herself in random places around her house. A lot of weird things were also happening with the lights - they’d flicker every so often, and she’d lose things regularly. 

She wasn’t sure what was going on with her, but she knew something was up when her parents complained about her walking around at night. Her biggest fear was that she was becoming schizophrenic or depressed, so she began seeing Mike, her therapist, on a more regular basis.

She talked about how painful it was to lose her most favorite person in the world. She realized that she was grieving, but she didn’t think she’d grieve three weeks after the funeral. Things were so bad that she hadn’t seen her girlfriend in weeks, and Samantha was beginning to complain. “I don’t know what’s wrong,” she said. “I just … I feel like everything’s over. I know it’ll pass, but it’s just such a shitty feeling.”

Her therapist helped her accept her uncle’s death after a few sessions, but the blackouts persisted. So, Mike suggested something different. “I’ll make a few calls over the next few days. Consider recording yourself while you sleep. Pay attention to your face and movements, and we’ll go from there at your next session. Okay?” 

He also suggested using melatonin to help her stay asleep. Later that day, she set up cameras around the halls and her bedroom before she ultimately went to bed. She took her tablets and slowly fell asleep.



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