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Arnie couldn’t believe how different being a woman was. His mind was in a hot daze while he struggled to recover from the mind transfer. He looked down at his hands and saw soft, smooth skin and pink nails. “Holy shit,” he said in her voice. “I’m … holy shit. I need to call the guys about this.” He rubbed his small hands together and looked around his room to get a better understanding of his potential French instructor’s home.

After using an experimental virtual reality headset with a neural link, he was able to enter the older woman’s laptop. His plan was to adjust the class seating so that he could have a spot. He was on the waitlist for this required course, but after going through nearly four years of school, he wasn’t planning on missing out on another entire semester just because he couldn’t finish his final fourth-year elective. But Miss Taylor was adamant about not taking Arnie in, so he had to resort to other methods of getting into the class. That’s when a bunch of his computer science friends suggested using the headset to tamper with the class directly. He put himself at the front of the waitlist line up after he knew that there were going to be at least two drop outs on the first day. But Arnie ended up accidently doing more than just adjusting the class size.

His teacher started using her laptop, and her presence triggered something. Arnie somehow entered her body as the lights flickered around him. He was in complete control of her body by the time the lights stopped flickering. Confused and bewildered at what was going on, he tried to regain his composure as he explored his teacher’s room. He needed to get to a phone. Suddenly, he began to stumble through his teacher’s room. The farther he got from the laptop, the less control he had. He desperately tried to crawl back to the laptop, but Miss Taylor was already regaining control. By the time she stood up, the laptop had shut power and cut his link back to his body, leaving Arnie trapped in her as she confusedly walked around the room. “Huh, I must’ve fallen asleep…”



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