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Part 1 

Part 3

It looked like Steve had lost control, but if he could control her once, he could definitely control her again. He watched helplessly while his soul remained stuck to Yvonne over her final day. 

He watched her browse through her social media and read her messages to her girlfriend Samantha. He tried to memorize everything he saw, but she was looking through everything way too quickly. A few hours later, she left the Airbnb after having breakfast and hopped onto her flight back to Alberta. 

The flight was four hours, so she ended up falling asleep just long enough for Steve to take control over her body. She shivered in her seat as he panted. A weird tickling sensation flooded him from head to toe while he moaned quietly to himself. “Geez, I’m never going to get used to that feeling.” 

His cheeks reddened when he realized that there was an old woman sitting next to him. Thankfully, like most passengers, she had fallen asleep, so he could easily try looking through Yvonne’s phone. His heart was racing as he stared down at his fidgeting hands. 

The girl’s breasts distracted him, but he snapped himself back to his senses when he started sifting through the girl’s purse. He managed to find her phone on airplane mode and was about to look something up when he felt his fingers starting to tingle. He tried to say something, but that  was the moment Yvonne woke up. “What the hell?” She murmured when she looked down at her turned off phone. She frantically looked around and shoved the phone back into her purse. “What’s going on with me?” She rubbed the side of her head while Steve swore at himself in her mind.



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