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Hi my friends! Here comes something I really hope you will enjoy.

A few weeks back, I travelled up to northern Sweden to visit and check a flight school who uses electrical aircraft in their schooling.

This video was the end result and I hope you will like the style of it. I’m hoping to be able to do more videos like this in the future.

Let me know your honest thoughts and suggestions, see you tomorrow in the hangout!


I Tried an Electric Airplane! - Here is what I thought.



Like you, I'm sceptical about electric flight for the foreseeable future in something the size of a 737 or an A320 with, as you say, the problem of energy density. Quite apart from this, it would mean having tens of Megawatts available at each stand.in order to have a sensible turnaround time. And how would you like to be on an approach in bad weather, in an airliner with the batteries getting low to the extent that you are down for power and, of course, your landing weight will be the same as your take-off weight? But what about the ZeroAvia project, which is based not far from my home here in the UK? Their proposal is to use hydrogen fuel cells, to drive props or possibly ducted fans. They are even thinking in terms of capturing the water produced by the fuel cells, in order to avoid producing a contrail. Now that would mean a landing weight greater than the take-off weight.


Having been in an electric plane, it’s pretty awesome. The world most expensive iPad charger:-),. The be no take off and landing time restrictions as no noise to disturb any wildlife or people living by.