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Hi my friends! I’m sure a lot of you have been asking yourselves; “Where are our weekly hangouts?! What is Petter doing?”

The answer to that is, they ARE coming and I was actually planning to do one this week.

The problem is that this “man-flu” I was complaining about in my last post actually turned out to be COVID 3.0. So right now I’m isolating in our apartment.

I’m getting better but I still feel like I have the flu.

I will schedule another hangout as soon as I can but my priority right now is to get rid of this thing and continue to create great content for you guys.

And talking of which, is there anything you think we should be improving? Anything you think have started to get boring or another type of content you would LOVE to see more of? Just let me and then team know, we love hearing from you guys!!

Have an absolutely fantastic week! 💕💕




Hope you feel better soon man! Rest up, I hear this latest strain of covid is hugely unpleasant!!


Hope you are feeling well soon.