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Hi my friends! I hope you are all fantastic. Here comes your preview of tonight's release. I will also upload 2 more videos for you to enjoy during the weekend. I also want to apologise if anyone of you have been left out of the "Thank you" run at the end. Patreon has changed their page so I can't see any patrons who pledge less than 5$. Don't worry, I will try to have this fixed and I DO apreciarte any support you guys provide. Work is continuing on my new app. It will be completed in the mid of December but I need to go to Cambridge and produce some more material to the app and upload it before the release. My company will also soon release another, free, app that is bought by a flightschool. I think you will like that one. :) Have a great weekend my friends!


Can pilots have tattoos and beards?

Can pilots have tattoos? Are there any specific rules that decides how pilots needs to look and act? In this video you will get the answer and why. Stay tuned to the end.


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