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Hi my friends! I have been busy flying this past 4 days and it’s wonderful to see how the skies are now, ones again, bustling with aircraft.

I took this photo of a Ryanair Boeing 737MAX at the holding point in London Stansted, with a FedEx MD11 landing in the background.

I hope to see as many of you as possible in the zoom hangout this afternoon. Have your questions ready!

For those of you who cannot make it, have a lovely weekend. There will be at least one video release to look forward to, maybe even two!




just flown back from Malta, so good to see so many planes flying again!


As a 525c pilot on the west coast of the US I can get as much work as prudent— people need to travel for business and stay on a schedule to make these little time machines valuable. Getting stuck for an day someplace is not good. Having your six seats ready to go has been worth the cost. There are somethings that must be done in person, especially in the construction world.