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Hi my friends!

How are you all doing? Send me a message and let me know. Maybe we can setup a google hangout or skypecall.

Here comes a preview of my latest video. I will release it already tonight so feel free to check it out and give me some feedback.

I know the quality isnt great. I am uploading a better file as we speak.

Have a fantastic evening my friends!




In this video I will discuss windshear in general. When can you expect windshear, how do we deal with windshear warnings and the windshear escape maneuvre. Enjoy my friends! Welcome! On this channel you can expect video-blogs, technical instructions, flying techniques and much more about the wonderful world of commercial aviation and the life of airline pilots.



Hey Petter, good video as always. Your automated call-out accent is great :) Out of interest, does the weather radar also deal with microbursts?


Thanks Neil! It does but it still needs precipitation. It cannot detect dry air.