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Hi my friends! As I have talked about before, I am about to start creating a course for nervous flyers. My idea is to make a series of videos surrounding a fictional flight, combined with some relaxation exercises from a friend of mine who is a mental coach. 

The idea is that the course will be availible for purchase on my website and, when you have bought it, you will also be able to download it on your phone via the Mentour Aviation app. That way, you will also be able to chat with other nervous flyers as well as pilots and aviation fans.

Below is the structure that I am planning for the course. Please do not share this with anyone as it is just on the planning stage. I would love to hear from anyone of you, who is a nervous flyer, about what else I should include to make the course even stronger.

1: Introduction and and explanation of the course content and how to use it

2: Why are people more likely to be nervous about flying but not for taking a bus or a train? (this section might be left out as I am unsure about the value. Let me know)

3: How to prepare for your flight: - Relaxation exercises, -Mental programming - Knowledge

4: At the airport, what to do: -Time pressure, Check-in, Security Control, GAte, Boarding (talking to crew), Relaxation exercises, Is drinking or medication a good idea?

5: What is the crew doing? Preflight, In the cockpit before flight, PA, Passenger safety briefing, Push-back and engine start (noises), Taxy out and waiting for takeoff, Takeoff (Differences in engine noises, length of runway, sinking feeling), Departure and climb (noises, cloud transition), Turbulence, Cruise, Relaxation exercises in the aircraft, How close are the other aircraft, CAn an aircraft glide?, Descend, Approach and landing (noises and strange feelings), 

6: How to work with your experience after the flight - Share your feelings and questions on the app!

7: Go to Mentourpilot.com and fill in feedback questionnaire and write testimonial. 

Thats what I have so far, feel free to come with your thoughts about more material that should be included as well as what you think is a fair price for a course like this.

Thank you for your help, as always!



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