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Hi guys!

I was plaining around with my phone the other day and put this little collection together from clips I found. I thought it felt quite good to watch it so I thought I should share it with you guys and the rest of the YT universe.

The video has already been released for a few days on Facebook but I thought it couldn't hurt to put it up here as well. 

As always, let me know your thoughts!!


The sky is our home, we will get back there!!

I created this to lift the spirits of everyone of you who find yourselves earth-bound for whatever reason during these difficult times. I know the feeling of longing towards the skies all to well and I really suffer for all my colleagues who have lost their jobs and their passion because of this downturn in the industry. Just remember that the Aviation industry is cyclical and that a downturn is ALWAYS followed by an upturn. Just keep fighting my friends and keep your motivation and goal clear in your minds. You WILL get back to the sky where you belong!


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