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I just want to write a few words and explain my plans for the channel. You, since you are my closest supporters, are welcome to come with your thoughts and suggestions.

I will continue to create content similar to what I have done so far. I am not able to do any "cockpit instruction" since my employer does not allow it. That is why I have started this Patreon page. I want to try and gather funds so that I can rent a simulator of some sort. It doesn't have to be a Full Flight simulator but it has to have good visuals and a proper cockpit. As soon as I have achieved this I will start to do some explanatory videos, much like my RTO video. I will do a briefing, then show how it is done in the simulator.

I want to do:

1: Setup and preflight

2: Takeoff instruction

3: Different approaches

4: A full flight from A to B

5: Several non normal situations

And much much more.

I also want to start contacting students at different stages of their training and see what their goals are. I want to follow up and see how they are doing and also check with flightschools like CTC what their requirements are and how to prepare before starting training.

That is some of the goals I have and as you can see. there is a lot of work ahead.

As my Patrons you will get exclusive previews of videos and you can send me direct feedback. If you are pledging at some of the higher levels I will also be doing a monthly google hangout where we can discuss your thoughts in a more interactive way.

Have a great day!

// Petter




Just became a patreon. Keep up the cool videos. The coolest reward to all would be simulator time with you. I know that will never happen but It's fun to dream, I live in the U.S and I would come to Europe for a cool vacation in the simulator... Talk to you later. Is it fun to drive a Porsche? I drive BMW but I would prefer a Porsche, Maybe soon. John.


Hi John! Welcome to the Patreon family! The coolest reward WOULD be to do some sim work. I am working on getting access to a simulator right now and I have some absolutely crazy cool ideas about what to do for you guys and you Patrons will be the first to know! The Porsche is a fantastic piece of equipment. Its a pure pleasure to drive. Talk to you later!


Thanks for the quick response