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Hi my friends and supporters!

I want to start this message with thanking all of you for your support during these difficult times. It is a real fortune to be able to concentrate on creating supporting, inspiring and hopefully helpful youtube videos in times like this and its because of your support that I can do that without having to worry about how to feed my family.

Thank you!

This video is the first of many where the Airline Pilot Club will reach out to leaders in the industry to answer questions about how this will affect people, what the possible outcome will be and how we can all come together to help each other. 

We will do everything we can in order to create learning material, webinars and forums to answer questions on https://www.theairlinepilotclub.com 

We will also send out a news-letter as soon as possible to explain whats going on. We are still working on the same goals as we started doing but we are changing focus now to try and help as much as we can. Let us know what you think of the format and our mission. 


Covid-19 & The Airline Pilot Club

If you have questions and suggestions about what we can do to help YOU in this time of industry crisis - Please visit https://www.theairlinepilotclub.com and ask your questions there. The Airline Pilot Club will continue to work towards our ultimate goals as described below but, for now, we feel that it´s time to join forces with the training industry and airlines in order to help as many people as possible. In todays very volatile and shifting environment we have decided to, temporarily, shift focus into trying to become a source of good and reliable information for everyone who needs it. We will also try to help ATO´s (flight schools) by providing an instrument for Online learning classes and information outlets as needed. We now need YOUR input. In order to answer the right questions we need to know your questions. If you are on your way into training, ask your questions. If you are already in training and you need to know what is going on, let us know your fears and questions. Finally, if you are a manager of an ATO, let us know how we can help you in these trying times. Lets all try to get through this in a safe and as good of a way as possible by helping each-other. Our motto - Excellence guaranteed - Comes with a lot of responsibility but we need your help to achieve it. The Airline Pilot Club was formed to try and help candidates achieve their dream of becoming airline pilots through several steps. First, we want to help the candidates understand themselves and their personal strengths and weaknesses through a revolutionary Indicative assessment. In a second stage we want to help find the best and most suitable Flight training organisations through a through vetting system where WE, and not the candidate, will check how professional, good and financially sound an organisation actually is. We also want to provide our members with excellent insurance policies, during their training, to provide as much peace of mind as possible during the critical training phase. Thirdly we would partner up with Airlines in need for high quality, well trained cadets to fill their pilot vacancies. This is still our mission and we will continue to pursue this tirelessly. As soon as the current crisis have blown over we will open up for membership but right now, we will not be charging any membership fees, now is the time to help out and try to stabilise this industry. https://www.theairlinepilotclub.com


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