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Hi my friends!

After listening to your feedback I have decided to release the Emergency descend video this evening. I have re=made the video to tell the viewers to enable Captions for the video and I have tried to improve the audio slighly but its still not good. To be honest, it is a very good representation of how it actually sounds, to us, in the cockpit.

Now I need your help. Since this is now a NEW video, the old captions have fallen away. Can someone please help me to sort out the captions AGAIN for this video? I have been working the whole day so i need to take a brake. 

Let me know please and tell me if this version is any better. Thank you!



Emergency descend!! Cockpit video

"The Masks dropped and Suddenly it felt like the aircraft was falling out of the sky". This is what the passengers are feeling but what is actually happening in the COCKPIT when this happens? How do we handle a rapid depressurisation and an emergency descend from inside the cockpit? What are the most important things for us to do first and in what order do we need to work? In this video I will share with you the steps we take when we get this kind of warning. I highly recommend that you watch this video Together with the briefing video 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7ECAgv-R48&t=830s If you want to have this video Downloaded on your mobile device, it is availible inside the Mentour Aviation app which you can download here 👇🏻👇🏻 📲 https://mentourpilot.com/apps/ To Join my Patreon Crew, and support the channel, preview videos etc 👇🏻 📲https://www.patreon.com/mentourpilot To follow my life on Instagram, use the following link! 👇🏻 📲https://www.instagram.com/mentour_pilot


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