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Hi my friends and supporters. I will try and write a bit more posts to you to keep you in the loop about what’s going on with me and the channel.

Next week I will be instructing in the simulator. I have plans to make an update video about the recent, new problems with the B737 as well as an update on the MAX issue.

Like I said in my video on Friday, I will try and slow down a bit during the summer. It has been a very busy spring and the summer is normally a bad Youtube time anyway due to people having other stuff to do.

This doesn’t mean I will sit idle though. I am planning to go out traveling and meet up with some of my old “Mentour cadets” as well as getting my hands on a simulator again to start making more instructional videos.

I am really grateful to all of you guys for your support of the channel, I hope you know that.

I will try to set up a “Patreon only” livestream soon when I can figure out how to use this new casting software. :)

See you soon!



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