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Numbers? What numbers?


I think you need to do daltonism test in ethernet (there's a lot of free tests) Because usually people clearly see numbers on these pics.


I see them :3


I see numbers in them. The first one was a little tricky to determine what the number was, but I could tell something was there.

Sangie Nativus

I struggle with the last two...

Sniffeh (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-08 00:27:27 The last 3 are 5, 45 & 6. I can't see the first one.
2021-04-30 11:58:43 The last 3 are 5, 45 & 6. I can't see the first one.

The last 3 are 5, 45 & 6. I can't see the first one.


73, 5, 45 and 6. If you can't see some of them you might have some degree of daltonism.