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You need Reshade + RTGI 0.19 to run this mod

Reshade from reshade.me

Also Texmod


  • Install Reshade (as d3d9)
  • Copy DS1.ini to :\Dead Space
  • Then Open Texmod.
  • Now browse Dead Space.exe from top where you will see a folder icon
  • Now you will see another folder icon in the middle
  • Now browse Deadspace1.tpf
  • Now Select Deadspace1.tpf and Click Run
  • Open game select DS1.ini
  • Use the setting from 4th picture to avoid graphical issues.
  • Enjoy




Can you please (re)upload the picture with the recommended settings? Thank you.


Post the picture.


Alright man I'm cancelling my patronage, all we asked was for a picture. Cya.


Your wish brother. Right now im depressed. My channel deleted by youtube. Im trying to get it back. And im not sure what picture you are asking. I gave all the details in this post


what exactly does "Open game select DS1.ini" mean?


If you haven't installed reshade before then watch this video https://youtu.be/2xZpJwrqJao


You might need to select the shader and texture path. Press Home in the game and check the paths in the shader settings


i think i don' see the new textures, is rtgi required for textures?


you need to have rtgi shaders installed from pascal glichers


Ok i though i was missing something, i messed up the preset and re downloaded it


Every time I use TexMod, it gives me a steam error. Has anyone gotten it to work on steam at all?


Hey any chance you could tell me what you might'ave messed up, I can get the reshade working but not TexMod, also are you using the steam version of the game?


YES! I figured it out looking at a buncha videos, you have to browse into your steam folder where the file is, rename the dead space.exe to something like REAL dead space.exe and rename the texmod itself into Dead space.exe, once that's done, launch the game and it launches the tex mod, then you use the renamed dead space file to launch it, basically you are tricking steam to launch texmod


Hi, when I open reshade menu with Home button, my pointer mouse dont work. What am I doing wrong?


Haven't faced this issue but it is seen in a few games. Try using full screen or if not work use borderless. Also try opening reshade menu while in game settings menu.


So i got decently far with this and managed to get it to run while i've never used text mod before, but now the game is 10x slower, in the main menu, when starting a new game its very slow and of course i have no idea to fix this, the steps weren't really all that clear and now its just slow as hell so a little help please


Hi there, trying this out for first time. I've followed instructions and gotten as far as clicking Run in TextMod but then a Steam Error window pops up: "Application load error 5:0000065434" --- any thoughts on what to do? thnx