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Full game(Apparently I recommend downloading my version of the game because of drastic changes made in the gamee files, the game is modded but no worries *Original CARS*)  


  • Download the NFSMW.ZIP
  • Extract NFSMW folder to outside of  your Drive (D:). Otherwise it won't unfortunately work so it should be you D drive. So make sure youdo it.
  • Once you do that simply start Texmod.exe from that folder.
  • Now browse speed.exe from top where you will see a folder icon Now you will see another folder icon in the middle Now browse from (test 3.tpf) Now Select (test 3) and Click Run
  • Because of high texture it will take some times but for low PC with HDD it will take up to a minute.
  • Enjoy!
  • NOTE - If you ever encounter reshade problem press home and select NFSMW_KTMXHANCER.ini present.

How to disable Reflection

  • Open up reshade home button
  • uncheck the effect called "reflectivebumpmapping".
  • done




google translator brings an error, can you still upload the file?


This link now working ? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xIpis06Y0fUqNO_6BqL2YPcsum3T0l6K/view?usp=drivesdk


Works, Thank you for your Hard Work :)