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Those of you that have been around for a while- a good long while - may remember that I used to produce some T-shirts. They were, for a time, very popular, and I had what I thought were some fun designs.

The system worked like this: I'd open up preordering for about two weeks, and the customer would buy whichever and however many of whatever size he, she or they needed. After those two weeks, I'd close ordering, tally up the orders, and have a local guy print them. Rather than having to keep hundreds of different sizes and styles in stock, he'd just order the sized I wanted, print the images I needed, and after two to three weeks, I'd have them back in my hands, and start shipping them out.

Save for the occasional glitch, it worked pretty well, apart from the wait times. I only stopped because, among a few other reasons, the fellow that used to do them, got a different job and had less time to do them. (That was also when the books went on hiatus, due to a completely different issue, so I set everything aside until it was all ready to go again.

I have, since, collected together nearly everything I need to do the shirts myself, in house, but have not had the time to set it up, figure out the process, and start producing them again.

Just this afternoon, however, I ran into the original printer at the grocery. Apparently he had an on-the-job injury and the company screwed him over. (At least, what's what I gathered from a brief conversation in the checkout line.) He has gone back to doing shirts as a supplement to social security.

So, I thought, we might have a chance to A, help this guy out a little, and B, get the first new Doc's/TWB shirts in over a decade.

It'd have to be the same system: About a two week preorder, two to three for printing, and another week for shipping out. No idea on pricing yet- there's been a ton of inflation since the last time we did this - and I don't know what we could do for designs. I have something like 26 of the old designs, still. Some paintball, some TWB, some both. We'd also need to make a pretty fair order- I'd say at least fifty shirts, or thirty or more if we go with two separate designs.

Can't do much more than that, as we're also paying the "screen charge"- the guy's time prepping the artwork and screens.

So this is just a bit of a feeler. Let me know if you'd be interested in a TWB or Doc's Machine T-shirt. I'll have to dig some of the old artwork out and post it- and, I'm told, I need to be careful posting that artwork, since there's people that search keywords for "t-shirt" and steal designs.

Post here whether or not you'd be interested- and please only say 'yes' if you're genuinely interested in one.

Typical designs were white art on a black Tee, sometimes other colors (we can only do up to 4 colors- this is the old, classic hand screen printing- and we used good quality Gildan or Hanes Beefy-Tees.

I'll post some examples as soon as I can find some.



Tiger in man's clothing

I stopped wearing t-shirts several years ago, but I would iron art on one of my Dickies shirts for sure.