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Just a heads-up, Ladies and Gents, and anyone in between. :) I'm in the middle of a fairly hot streak, in-the-shop-wise, and it's just going to get worse this coming week. It'd not really a "do or die" kind of thing, it's just that I have a lot of work piled up on the tables- mine and customers- and many deadlines, real and imagined, are looming fast.

I had been as much as four days ahead on the comic, but that's now down to one. I shouldn't have to use any filler- this is a bad time in the story for it, regardless- but if schedules collide and I have to, well, I apologize in advance. At worst it might be a B&W strip, or even just a sketch of the strip, but hopefully it won't even come to that.

For you early birds that check right when it updates, you may get a missing image for an hour or two- as usual :) - but have a little patience- as usual- and it'll probably be up shortly.

Just fair warning, again. :)





take your time i don't mind the wait gives me time to catch up on what i missed

Steve Cox

Sometimes the simple-format "Scraps" jokes are a break from more "serious" story lines. There are some days when we just need a cheap laugh to stave off the misery of existence.

Dave Wilson

It's all good. Gives me a chance to re-re-reread the archives and see how much the current storyline picks up on plot points you've been seeding all these years. It's fun when an off-hand joke becomes a major thing-- I'm currently up to the Tourney after the two-and-a-half-year day (Cara just ran out of coffee to sell at the field and Packrat is telling his buddies not to cause any shenanigans just yet) and WOW-- there's some great directions the current story can take. Boy howdy do I have some fan theories. 🤪 I only recently started being able to contribute to the Patreon, but I've been loving this strip for years. It's actually gotten me to consider trying the sport for real, armed with a considerable amount of "what not to do" knowledge. Keep up the good work, at your pace. 😁