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I found these in one of my older folders. It was supposed to be the start of a short storyline, involving Jake trying to teach her how to ride it, her buying stereotypical "biker" clothes (leather jacket, leather chaps, etc.)

But after drawing these two, the whole thing didn't really appeal to me- Pirta's not so much of a ditz she wouldn't know what a Harley is, and at the same time, the  'biker' thing just doesn't mesh with her personality- or Jake's.

I eventually reused some of the art years later, and intended to use these strips with new dialogue, but never came up with anything good for 'em.

So, enjoy a small slice of might-have-been-TWB! :)





Could use it for your annual April Fool's joke next year.


Now that the guys have re-discovered the Wormhole Gun, maybe we could have stories in alternate timelines?

Blood Raven

I think Pirta deliberately pulling docs chain on it would be cute. That or make it an Indian Motorcycle, since unless you watch History Chanel reality TV or are into automotive history, they're fairly unknown even after their revival in 1999 (Shit I thought they were still a dead brand)


I wish I could draw, now my brain has been inspired and images of pinups of Pirta and all the ladies of The Whiteboard in biker leathers posing on motorcycles.


She could sell the Harley and buy a Prius, that would be good for a laugh. She does look more like a pickup truck kinda lady though.


I would like to have seen what you could do with that scenario.


Honestly, I pictured her for more of the crotch rocket type.

Wild Card

As soon as I saw the last panel in the second strip saying dentists in relation to riding Harleys, the Steve Martin song from Little Shop of Horrors began playing in my head

Derek Thornton

Trade it for an ATV that will take a snowmobile Kit For Winters ;) Chuckle :D


Thanks for posting this..., much fun! ;-)