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Kathy G and I were discussing comic minutiae again, and I pointed out, in a roundabout fashion, that she never seemed to do any 'cheesecake' type art. In a nutshell, she doesn't think her art is good enough for "bikini girl" type of work, and I suggested that good cheesecake doesn't necessarily have to show off a lot of ski- er, fur.

I suggested simply art of the characters outside of their normal roles, and posed to make them look more interesting than we usually see them.

One Idea I threw out was Fred, in just a greasy undershirt and cargo shorts, working on the leg of that walking spider-tank thing. (This is all from Carry On, for those getting confused. :) )

I had an evening where I wanted an excuse to do anything but what I should have been doing :) and so sketched up a rough idea. I spent a bit of time cleaning up the linework, but didn't have the time to even do basic flood-fill coloring. 

I'll try to get back to it, and maybe throw in a background too, shortly, but I have a lot on my list this weekend.





This... could definitely work!

Red Fox Homesteader

I think you are correct. I very much do enjoy the cheesecake as explicit as you are willing to make it, and would love to see more of it. But I think the reason the cheesecake you do make is so interesting is because we KNOW these characters. I have been reading whiteboard since the first year. That makes it much different than random sexy images. We know how these characters present themselves publicly within the world. It's very compelling to get to see them in their 'private' lives within the world. Or in situations even their friends don't see them in normally. A perfect example is Sandy's peircing in the xray comic. It's new, it's unexpected, but it makes sense within the world. It's a glimpse into her private life. It makes you wonder 'why did she get it?,' did she get the idea from Pirta?',' was it Swampy?', 'will she get more?'. Excellent cheesecake, from nothing than an xray image of the girls.


oh ya this is a great idea! And ya, having fred as a muscle man would work fine - heck, that would probably work with a lot of the hyena ladies too

Darque Hellmutt

I dunno, Doc - Kathy has put our Heiress in some pretty breathtaking outfits from time to time. And I'm sure some of the SBD squad wouldn't do too bad getting the treatment, either.


That She-Ra outfit was pretty hot, and the cheerleaders at her duel with Jinjur...

Red Fox Homesteader

Doc, I would like to purchase some prints and/or full resolution images of some of your pinups. I've seen this referenced in past comments. Is this still available?


I hear Katrie wolf whistling. Considering she's a hyena, that's quite a compliment.


The cheerleaders were from Lady Jade's establishment. They were over dressed by their usual standards.


Well. yet, however, free evenings can be quite productive, aren't they. I like your idea with Fred.

Darque Hellmutt

I'll have to go check, but I don't think they were part of Madame Jade's entourage.