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As one of the last Milestones was to go back and color or finish coloring any as-yet undone strips back to the start of the color, I've been trying to  catch up with that as I have time.

I had a bit of time today (Sunday) and while I was waiting for other things to process, I was able to finish up strips 1499, 1500, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506 and 1507.

There's still a good list left to go, and I'll keep crackin' away at it!

And as always, thanks for reading!



Kerin Schiesser

just a short feedback on today's (otherwise excellent) strip for 1-24 ... There is a typo - Cara in first panel is asking "... AS that cab arrived?" (instead of "HAS") Even if she was speaking for some reason with an accent, I think it would be 'as, not as, right? :D Just helping you to correct it before it proliferates through da intrawebs, right? :D