Sherlock Holmes Behind the Scenes, Pt 16 (Patreon)
The plot revealed!
(Mrs. Hudson stoops to pick up the pistol.)
Holmes (calmly): Good show, old chap.
Mary Morstan: Thank you, Holmes.
Holmes: Did you get all that, Lestrade?
Lestrade: (entering with some bobbies, writing in his notebook) Every word, Mister Holmes!
Mary Morstan: (pulling off her wig and revealing herself to be Doctor Watson) I confess I can't wait to get this corset off!
Moriarty: (groggy and astonished) W-Watson?! But--but HOW? I shot you with an Andaman Islands poisoned dart--you went stiff as a board!
Watson: (smugly to Holmes) Good thing we had that "Watson Automaton" made up as a decoy, eh, Holmes?
Holmes: (also smugly) Quite right.
Holmes: (to Moriarty) We were on to you the entire time, Moriarty. The whole case was an elaborate ruse to draw you out so we could capture you!
Moriarty: But the plans--the machine that can turn lead into gold--! I saw it with my own eyes!
Holmes: Utter blarney. Which if you'd read the plans, you'd know. We made the whole thing up, knowing you couldn't resist it. And indeed, the rat took the bait!