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As has become tradition, I have no proper New Year's resolution,  since at the best of times they last maybe a day and a half, anyway.

Except that one year I resolved to finally stop trying to throw myself at Scarlet Johansson, that one's holding up well. :)

This  year's non-resolution, then, is More Of The Same. I hope to try and  manage my time a little better, I hope to get a little further along on  my to-do lists, I hope to learn a lot more on operating my various  machines, I hope to keep TWB going through it's 21st year- and I hope  you lot continue to follow along, and, gods willing, actually enjoy it  while you do.

I have a lot of things planned, but as we  all know, my plans are about as stable and reliable as a vial of  nitroglycerine in a rock polisher.

All I can say is  stick around. We might not know exactly where we're going, or how we're  gonna get there, but I can at least guarantee the trip won't be boring.

Happy New Year!




Happy New Year to you too, Doc! :D

Carl G Knoblock

Happy new year, Doc. I'll be in bed by the time it reaches you.


Happy new year Doc! Whatever happens, I will continue to enjoy and support the comic!


as one of my co-workers used to say "It's like driving Special Ed kids to Chuck-E-Cheese. We're gonna get there, but it'll be an interesting trip"


Happy New Year Doc. Time to play some paintball and blow up the shop.


Hope you had a good night celebrating (I had to work, not stopping for aviation) Have a great year and I'll be keeping up on TWB 🎊😁🎉


Happy New Year Doc!1!


Happy New Year, Bear.