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A dangerous state of mind.





When Swampy is thingking it's time to RUN FOR THE BUNKERS!

Richard Weir

Next update: Swampy lets go of the crowbar and Jinx goes for a ride. Only a short one; crowbars are too rigid to store much energy.


Looks like it's power suit and laser o'clock!


Of course, if you not too concerned about damage... You could also give Jinx A couple of Doc's homebrew Dew, pound him in the direction of the building and tell him there's another case hidden inside...


Where's the plasma arc torch?


...and he appears to be hanging directly under the crowbar.

jay maechtlen

if the plywood is nailed directly to the concrete, then what's the benefit of removing it? Is this just to keep these two out of other mischief?

jay maechtlen

hm - don't think a plasma arc torch is good solution for concrete. Jackhammer or water jet a better bet.


Swampy thinks and insurance companies tend to go broke.


Use a 50 Cal. to "over set" the fasteners. Then the panels will fall off. I once used my "tack driver" Ruger 10-22 as a screwdriver to take something apart from about 30 feet away out at a gravel pit range. I just had to shoot out a couple of screws. Two shots, two screws. My friends couldn't believe it. :-D

Tim Starliper

Swampy is thinking, insurance executives are quaking in fear, disaster response units are spinning up, and anyone with even a little bit of sense is scrambling to get well out of blast range - if that is even possible. Would the south pole be far enough?


This can be worse than Roger thinking. Swamps doesn't dismiss any idea that is an egregious violation of the laws of physics.


Red had hope of salvaging the wood for repairs to other bunkers.


And Red's liver will never forgive any of them for the damage.

Sleepy John

good thing you got a picture, that doesn't happen very often.

David Ellis

I vote fro a huge electromagnet to pull the nails out using magnetism. With any luck, there will be comedic side effects. ;)